TELEX TT-16 Broadcast Wireless IFB Transmitter - 16 Channel
TELEX TT-16 Broadcast Wireless IFB Transmitter - 16 Channel
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General Description TR-16 The Telex TR-16 Re ceiver is a com po nent of a system which op er ates on six teen (16) user selectable chan nels in the 64 to 68 MHz fre quency band. The re ceiv ers are de signed to be used with the Telex TT-16 Trans mit ter.
Introduction what is the telex wireless IFB system? Trans mit ter:
The trans mit ter gen er ates and am plifies a RF (Ra dio Fre quency) car rier sig nal, mod ulates this car rier with the mi cro phone sig nal, and ra di ates the mod u lated RF car rier. Re ceiver: The FM VHF re ceiver is tuned to the frequency of the trans mit ter. The re ceiver picks up the ra di ated RF sig nal from the trans mit ter through the an tenna and con verts the RF sig nal into au dio voltages for use with an ear phone, head phone, but ton re ceiver, neckloop, etc. The re ceiver fre quency must be matched to the trans mit ter fre quency.
What frequency band does the telex system operate in?
The Telex Sys tems fea ture a syn the sized trans mit ter and a syn the sized re ceiv er op er at ing in the VHF Band be tween 64-68 MHz. See Ta ble 1 for stan dard fre quen cies avail able. Each trans mit ter chan nel can be uti lized by any num ber of re ceiv ers in any given area. Up to five simul ta neous sys tems can be used in a given area.
** Product Authorized to sell in Latin America Only